Benchmark name When Created
Seedrandom browser (+ xoshift128**) 11 days ago
setprototype 12 days ago
boolean() vs != null 12 days ago
removeChild vs no removeChild 12 days ago
Measure iterations3 12 days ago
Measure iterations2 12 days ago
Measure iterations1 12 days ago
Measure iterations 12 days ago
Vanilla JS VS JQuery DOM perfomance - UPDATE

Vanilla JS VS JQuery DOM perfomance

12 days ago
Measure Iterator overhead 12 days ago
Lodash orderBy vs array.prototype.sort vs vanila orderBy 13 days ago
6 properties - style.setProperty vs style.cssText vs style vs Object.assign vs setAttribute 2 13 days ago
map lodash vs natvie 13 days ago
DOM Parser vs insertAdjacentHTML simple 14 days ago
DOM Parser vs insertAdjacentHTML v2 14 days ago
DOM Parser vs insertAdjacentHTML 14 days ago
Insert html 14 days ago
slice vs subarray vs ArrayBuffer copy 14 days ago
Seedrandom browser 14 days ago
get unique entries from two arrays 14 days ago
lodash uniq vs set (aidan) 14 days ago
For loop vs Regex & Reduce 14 days ago
Math.max() vs Array.reduce(Math.max)

Compare speed of Math.max() vs Array.reduce(Math.max).

14 days ago
Finding the max value of a property in an array of objects 14 days ago
Clone and append to beginning of array

Compare the new toSpliced() method, the slice() + unshift() method and the spread operator in cloning and appending an element to the beginning of an array.

14 days ago

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