Benchmark name When Created
member access vs with dirty check 18 days ago
Split vs Regex tes cstom 18 days ago
lodash uniq vs new Set with spread to array 18 days ago
Transform dict values: for vs fromEntries 2 18 days ago
number vs boolean perf 18 days ago
if undefined comparison with binary 19 days ago
if undefined comparison 19 days ago

Compare cloning element vs creating a new one

19 days ago

Compare cloning element vs creating a new one

19 days ago
putImageData vs drawImage methods

Testing performance

19 days ago
bigint vs. bignumber.js vs. big.js vs. break_infinity.js

- - -

19 days ago
Map vs Object property check 19 days ago
sfdfsdf434343 20 days ago
Brackets vs arrow function 20 days ago
Remove class 1111 20 days ago
performance of loops 21 days ago
benchmarkname-11231233321 21 days ago
createElement vs cloneNode3333333

Faster way to create new dom elements before insertion

21 days ago
createElement vs cloneNode333

Faster way to create new dom elements before insertion

21 days ago vs Performance.measure() (Updated)

Performance measure can be slow???

21 days ago


21 days ago
replaceAll vs regex replace fefw 21 days ago
array.indexof vs for 21 days ago
Array sequential access 21 days ago
slice VS splice 1234567 21 days ago

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