Benchmark name When Created
string interpolation vs direct access 9 days ago
promise vs jquery promive 9 days ago
Lodash orderBy vs array.prototype.sort vs vanila orderBy _ smart 10 days ago
for length vs for in 10 days ago
For Difference 10 days ago
flatMap vs reduce with spread vs reduce with push vs for of vs push v2 ... 10 days ago
flatMap vs reduce with spread vs reduce with push vs for of vs push vs for i... 10 days ago
flatMap vs reduce with spread vs reduce with push vs for of vs push ... 10 days ago
RegEx.test vs. Inline RegEx.test 11 days ago
Object.entries VS Object.keys VS Object.values length check

JS object size performance comparison

11 days ago
try catch json parse 11 days ago
Benchmark function expression vs multiple class constructors with Date 11 days ago
Benchmark function expression vs multiple class constructors with Date() 11 days ago
testing ternary vs && 11 days ago
Benchmark function expression vs multiple Date class constructors 11 days ago
spread vs ?? 11 days ago
spread operator vs... 11 days ago
Bool generation from uint32 11 days ago
stringbuilder 11 days ago
findIndex vs for loop with plain number array fixed

Testing finding an object array via findIndex or by using a for loop

11 days ago
findIndex vs for loop with plain number array

Testing finding an object array via findIndex or by using a for loop

11 days ago
Array concat vs spread operator vs push (cycle)

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

11 days ago
xoshiro128** various implementations 11 days ago
concat vs spread test in js 11 days ago
append test 11 days ago

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