Benchmark name When Created
js array copy speed comparison and spread operator 8 days ago
Object.keys() allocation 8 days ago
try-catch vs return with console log 8 days ago
try-catch vs return 8 days ago
Replace vs includes 8 days ago
#2 Array Includes vs. Find 8 days ago
Array Includes vs. Find 8 days ago
className vs data attr querySelectorAll vs getElementsByClassName

This benchmark compares the performance of different methods for selecting elements in JavaScript: querySelectorAll and getElementsByClassName.

8 days ago
Getting a list of elements with querySelectorAll vs getElementsByClassName data attr vs class name

This benchmark compares the performance of different methods for selecting elements in JavaScript: querySelectorAll and getElementsByClassName.

8 days ago
textContent vs innerHTML vs innerText

textContent vs innerHTML vs innerText test case

8 days ago
innerHTML vs textContent vs innerText

innerHTML vs textContent vs innerText test case

8 days ago
dataset vs textContent

element.dataset vs element.textContent

8 days ago
Custom Event vs Callback with console log large 8 days ago
string vs numbers 8 days ago
JSON.stringify vs structuredClone vs cloneLineageData vs cloneDeep

JSON.stringify vs structuredClone vs cloneLineageData vs cloneDeep

8 days ago
SJ - Array.find vs. Map.get

Test the performance of Array.find vs. Map.get, with various array sizes, and with/without conversion from array to map

9 days ago
Array.push(x) vs array[n]=x 9 days ago
localeCompare compare 9 days ago
Nathanjamals sorting test 9 days ago
trunk test

measure parseInt againts

9 days ago
dompurify vs xss perf 9 days ago
caching vs no cachink ye 9 days ago
caching string interpolation vs not 9 days ago
collectExpandedIdsFromDataSource 9 days ago
string interpolation vs direct access 9 days ago

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