Benchmark name When Created
equality objects functions 3 years ago
comparing two equal checkers function 3 years ago vs new Date().getTime() asdasdasdasdasdaa sdas adsasd asd 3 years ago
test users

Test on isEqual performancesdds

3 years ago
Teste 2 3 years ago
teste 1 3 years ago
filter + map vs reduce 3 years ago
lodash forEach vs for i loop123123123 3 years ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Object.assign performance fixed 3 years ago
getElementById vs querySelector vs getElementsByTagName pt. 2 3 years ago
templateTag vs html parse

Compare the template tag cloning vs string parse.

3 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator vs lodash.concat - variable and constant

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and with the favourite _.concat() method, when an array from a variable is concatenated with an array literal.

3 years ago
lodash assign vs object.assign vs spread operator - variable and constant

Compares the creation of a new object by merging two existing ones using lodash, Object.assign and the spread operator, when merging an object literal with an object from a variable.

3 years ago
eval vs new Function fork 3 years ago
LoDash Omit vs Destructured undefined okay go

Testing LoDash's omit function against Destructured undefined

3 years ago
LoDash Omit vs Destructured undefined 211

Testing LoDash's omit function against Destructured undefined

3 years ago
stringify vs lodash deep by cruell

stringify vs lodash deep by cruell

3 years ago
recreation of array set object 2 3 years ago
recreation of array set object 3 years ago
ForEachForMap bench 3 years ago
set vs array includes 3 years ago
Zero vs One Compare 3 years ago
recreate array vs set 2 3 years ago
recreate array vs set 3 years ago
Array.prototype.slice method vs spread operator

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional slice() method

3 years ago

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