Benchmark name When Created
String.fromCharCode & btoa vs base64ArrayBuffer function FIXED 3 years ago
String.fromCharCode & btoa vs base64ArrayBuffer function 3 years ago
TextDecoder 'ascii' vs String.fromCharCode 3 years ago
TextDecoder vs String.fromCharCode 3 years ago
Direct call vs bind vs call vs apply (with specified object) 3 years ago
Inline SVG w/ rect vs div w/ span 3 years ago
Inline SVG (rect) vs div 3 years ago
inline svg vs div 3 years ago
lodash groupBy vs Array.reduce on million items 3 years ago
let test


3 years ago
test of equals


3 years ago
Regex vs .indexOf with more complex expressions

Find where "via" or "mot" is in a string, and return all words from the start of the string to that point. Otherwise, return the entire string.

3 years ago
querySelectorAll vs getElementsByTagName 2 3 years ago
.sort() vs Math.min - 4 elements

.sort() vs Math.min

3 years ago
Array.sort() vs Math.min / Math.max 4 elements v2

Array.sort() vs Math.min / Math.max - array with 4 elements

3 years ago
Array.sort() vs Math.min 4 elements

Array.sort() vs Math.min 4 elements

3 years ago
Array.sort() vs Math.min / Math.max 4 elements

Array.sort() vs Math.min / Math.max - array with 4 elements

3 years ago
Array.prototype.slice vs spread operator vs copy

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional slice() method

3 years ago
for-in vs object.keys (no console) (forked)

same as the other one but with assigning to other object instead of console.logging

3 years ago
for-in vs object.keys (no console)

same as the other one but with assigning to other object instead of console.logging

3 years ago
Object assign vs direct assignment by iterating keys and assigning

Should you be saving your fields to an object with Object.keys(toSave).forEach(k => ... or by Object.assign(destination, toSave);

3 years ago
null vs. hasOwnProperty

Object lookup performance

3 years ago
JSON.stringify- 3 years ago
JSON.stringify-- 3 years ago
Array.prototype.slice vs spread operator copy performance

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional slice() method

3 years ago

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