Benchmark name When Created
Array.prototype.slice method vs spread operator

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional slice() method

3 years ago
Regex testing for whitespace vs trim 3 years ago
lodash reject vs filter 3 years ago
lodash omit vs filter 3 years ago
math standard deviation 3 years ago
successive ratios comparison 3 years ago
Lodash intersection vs plain js 3 years ago
TestsPerf21 3 years ago
PerfTest 3 years ago
TestsPerf2 3 years ago
TestsPerf 3 years ago
TestPerfMe 3 years ago
TestPerf 3 years ago
Array.slice vs Array.concat vs Spread operator v2 3 years ago
Lodash clone deep performance 3 years ago
Lodash clone vs JSON parse stringify 3 years ago
addFunction vs classList (multiple) 3 years ago
addFunction vs classList 3 years ago
Array of objects equivalence (custom vs lodash) 3 years ago
Array of objects equivalence (2) 3 years ago
Array of objects equivalence 3 years ago
Array equivalence 3 years ago
equiv arrays 3 3 years ago
equivalent arrays 3 years ago
Ramda vs. Lodash (Fixed & IIFE updated zero)

Compares performance on the same task using Lodash vs two styles of Ramda vs two styles of "native" Javascript. In all cases the task is pulling "counter" property from each item in an array, filtering out odd items, squaring them, then returning those squared values that have less than two digits.

3 years ago

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