Benchmark name When Created
Deep merge lodash vs ramda vs deepmerge - concat arrays 3 years ago
Set in reduce vs spread and set later 3 years ago
Template vs Regular strings 3 years ago
Cloning 3 years ago
Spread operator vs Push vs Concat in reduce

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with array push

3 years ago
Spread operator vs forEach+Push

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with array push

3 years ago
_.pickBy vs native vs plain old code 3 years ago
Triangle Benchmark 3 years ago
Triangle Performance 3 years ago
sa[;ol 3 years ago
Slice vs splice forked 3 years ago
For in vs Object.keys.forEach FixedForYaRetard 3 years ago
bind vs inline func 3 years ago
my isEqual

Test on isEqual performance

3 years ago
for-in vs object.keys vs object.values for objects 3 years ago
Merge array of objects with an object. 3 years ago
Merge array of objects with an object 3 years ago
Array: slice vs splice 3 years ago
generator vs array 3 years ago
indexed key lookup vs not indexed 3 years ago
Array.from vs Spread for strings 3 years ago
UUID Generator 3 years ago
for loop vs lastindexof 3 years ago
for vs lastindexof 3 years ago
querySelectorAll vs getElementsByTagName iteration - better 3 years ago

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