Benchmark name When Created
innerhtml vs removechild with 10 elements 3 years ago
format time moment vs JS 3 years ago
querySelectorAll(':scope > *') vs childNodes 3 years ago
Triple replace instead of regex 3 years ago
isEmpty vs Object.keys 3 years ago
join with spread vs concat 3 years ago
Includes vs. IndexOf vs. Filter vs. Find vs. FindIndex vs. Some 3 years ago
Some vs. Filter vs. indexOf vs. Includes vs. Find 3 years ago
optional chaining chrome vs lodash get 3 years ago
uniqBy : Lodash vs Ramda 3 years ago
flatten : Lodash vs Ramda 3 years ago
filter(isObject) : Lodash vs Ramda 3 years ago
Lodash vs Ramda (2020-08 edition) 3 years ago
IndexOf vs Includes vs lodash includes test2


3 years ago
red vs douFilt 3 years ago
shorter find vs map

find vs map

3 years ago
find vs map

find vs map

3 years ago
classList vs style.. 3 years ago
Array.prototype.slice vs spread operator with length limit

Compare the ES6 spread operator with the traditional slice() method

3 years ago
Array.prototype.slice vs spread operator.

Compare the ES6 spread operator with the traditional slice() method

3 years ago
MY personal testcase 3 years ago
native find vs lodash _.find aamurray

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

3 years ago
deep copy 3 years ago
nodeType vs instanceof 3 3 years ago
nodeType vs instanceof 2 3 years ago

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