Benchmark name When Created
getElementById, querySelector, querySelectorAll, and salt.js routine 4 years ago
eval vs new Function, encoded arrays 4 years ago
Add item to first position in array 4 years ago
Remove first position from array 4 years ago
TextEncoder vs String hash v2

Test TextEncoder encoding vs simply encoding with a string

4 years ago
Elemint vs... (Lookup) 4 years ago
Array concat vs spread operator vs push SAM

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

4 years ago
Dot property set notation VS Lodash.set poop

Compares different approaches to set an object property

4 years ago
for loop vs every

iterating over an array to test whether every element satisfies a condition the for loop uses "inlining" (the condition is right there, without an extra function call) the call to every uses the predefined lambda ("cond")

4 years ago
random list 4 years ago
concat vs spread operator vs push 3

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

4 years ago
concat vs spread operator vs push

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

4 years ago
Array push vs spread operator 2

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional push() method

4 years ago
indexof vs hash 4 years ago
JQuery: find with selected selector vs filter selected selector

find the best solution for optimize getting selected option

4 years ago
JQuery: hidden selector vs hidden attribute v2

find the best solution for get hidden element

4 years ago
JQuery: test selector with three redundant type

find the best solution for getting elements, which does not belong to the one of three input type

4 years ago
JQuery: find elements which does not need have value vs not function vs not selector

look the best solution for find elements, which do not have need value

4 years ago
aaaaqqqq 4 years ago
JQuery: compare approaches for get of children

Find the best approach for getting options

4 years ago
lodash uniq vs VanillaJS

Taking only string arrays as input into consideration

4 years ago
native map vs lodash 4 years ago
className+ vs. setAttribute+ vs. classList+ 4 years ago
Setting Canvas Pixel 3 4 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operatordfg

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

4 years ago

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