Benchmark name When Created
Fastest way to check if array have an element returning true or false (2)

[1,2, 3, 4, 5].indexOf(4) !== -1 [1,2, 3, 4, 5].filter(a=> a ===4).length > 0 [1,2, 3, 4, 5].find(a => a === 4) !== undefined [1,2, 3, 4, 5].some( a => a === 4) ![1,2, 3, 4, 5].every( a => a !== 4) [1,2, 3, 4, 5].lastIndexOf(4) !== -1 [1,2, 3, 4, 5].includes(4)

3 years ago
lodash get vs myget function


3 years ago
Immer (setAutoFreeze(false)) vs Lodash cloneDeep 22 3 years ago
Select n 3 years ago
concat() vs spread operator

Performance comparison of two methods of combining arrays shown here:

3 years ago
Filter-Map: Lodash vs Native1232133123132 3 years ago
lodash get vs myget


3 years ago
querySelector(tag) vs querySelector(#ID)

test querySelector by tag against ID when only one element of that tag name exists

4 years ago
(Nested) Lodash.get vs Property dot notation 4 years ago
object functions vs if statements 3 4 years ago
object functions vs if statements 2 4 years ago
object functions vs if statements 4 years ago
test: loop vs keys 4 years ago
test1: vs Object.keys().forEach(); 4 years ago
For in vs object keys test

For in vs object keys test

4 years ago
For in vs object keys

For in vs object keys

4 years ago
Lodash cloneDeep VS spread operator ts 4 years ago
My Bench 4 years ago
Ultimate DOM Manipulation Benchmark (NodeList.classList.remove) 4 years ago
Ultimate DOM Manipulation Benchmark (NodeList.classList.add) 4 years ago
Ultimate DOM Manipulation Benchmark (NodeList.setAttribute using class name) 4 years ago
Ultimate DOM Manipulation Benchmark (NodeList.setAttribute) 4 years ago
Ultimate DOM Manipulation Benchmark (Element.setAttribute) 4 years ago
Ultimate DOM Manipulation Benchmark (Element ID Selection) 4 years ago
getElementById, querySelector, querySelectorAll, and ki.jsroutine 4 years ago

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