Benchmark name When Created
lodash find vs for loop 5 years ago
Dynamic-Font-Size 5 years ago
append vs innerHTML 5 years ago
a*a vs a**2 vs Math.pow(a, 2) vs ajax.bigInt 5 years ago
Underscore vs Lodash: isEqual

Compare Underscore vs Lodash isEqual. Which is faster?

5 years ago
math pow vs multiplyasdasd 5 years ago
jQuery addClass vs classList.add without quering 5 years ago
simpleStringify vs JSON.stringify 2 5 years ago
simpleStringify vs JSON.stringify 1 5 years ago
object clone vs 5 years ago


5 years ago
Lodash cloneDeep vs JSON Clone v. 4 5 years ago
Legal Description Sorting Algorithm 5 years ago
test mono and poly arrays 5 years ago
sorting algorithm check 5 years ago
JQuery version speed test jQuery 3.4.1 all w/wo migrate

JQuery version speed test

5 years ago
moment vs custom 5 years ago
moment vs own 5 years ago
$(document).height() vs document.body.clientHeight

$(document).height() vs document.body.clientHeight

5 years ago
Url sanitize optimization 5 years ago
Array vs Map vs Object 5 years ago
find vs some vs everygg 5 years ago
Lodash sort vs array.prototype.sort with slice 5 years ago
lodash unionWith vs Set for merging without duplicates 5 years ago
[js] localeCompare sort vs normal sort vs lodash orderBy vs sort comparator w/ lorem (n=57200) pina

test performance of array sorting using default sort() and localeCompare() of javascript

5 years ago

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