Benchmark name When Created
Array concat vs spread operator vs push__

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

5 years ago
Array concat vs spread operator vs push_

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

5 years ago
toFixed vs toPrecision vs Math.round() vs Math.floorfast 5 years ago
splice twice VS shift + pop 5k

5k list

5 years ago
splice twice VS shift + pop

100k list

5 years ago
arrs234 5 years ago
access to first item of array via shift, index ([0]), slice 5 years ago
Build article from template vs from code

Comparing speed of cloned template and updated elements vs rebuilding whole content from scratch

5 years ago
Update template elements vs replace template HTML 5 years ago
Template vs CreateElement 5 years ago
Spread assign vs Array push 5 years ago
Check function. typeof vs constructor + null check

Difference between typeof(a => {}) === 'function' and (a => {}).constructor === Function

5 years ago
array flat vs _.flatten 5 years ago
splice VS shift VS splice bulk 300 list

300 list

5 years ago
splice VS shift VS splice bulk

100k list splice and shift win, they mutate list slice loose, it creates a copy of list 7.5x slower

5 years ago
Test push vs spread 5 years ago
Update data from Object (Spread vs. Object.assign) 12312879 5 years ago
Update data from Object (Spread vs. Object.assign) 12312 5 years ago
Entries vs Values 5 years ago
Unique values of array 5 years ago
indexOf vs match Dalpiaz 5 years ago
lodash split vs native split 5 years ago
concat vs lodash.concat vs array spread 5 years ago
Best practise for loop, with more options 5 years ago
Lodash isEqual vs costamcostam

Test on isEqual performance

5 years ago

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