Benchmark name When Created
Lodash sort vs array.prototype.sort with conditional 5 years ago
shift vs pop with more cases 5 years ago
String test comparison

Test various way of testing a string starts with a specific character

5 years ago
char index vs charAt() vs slice() vs startsWith() vs RegExp

Compare methods for testing string's beggining character.

5 years ago
Lodash vs Ramda 0.26.1 vs Underscore 1.9.0 5 years ago
lodash Orderby

lodash orderby vs Js Sort

5 years ago
spread vs concat vs unshift 213124

spread vs concat vs unshift

5 years ago

Comparing 2 dates with Intl.DateTimeFormat vs using Date.get* methods

5 years ago
split vs regex hw2 5 years ago
split vs regex hw1 5 years ago
Setting Canvas Pixel1234 5 years ago
Setting Canvas Pixel123 5 years ago
difference ! and === and == 5 years ago
Find vs some lodash4 5 years ago
Find vs some lodash3 5 years ago
Find vs some lodash2 5 years ago
Find vs some lodash 5 years ago
Math.min and Math.max vs reduce vs for for 100000 items. 5 years ago
jquery vs cash 5 years ago
regex v regex 5 years ago
match v includes 5 years ago
Array push vs map v1

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

5 years ago
Array spread operator vs push 5 years ago
map vs obj3 5 years ago
map vs obj2 5 years ago

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