Benchmark name When Created
map vs obj 5 years ago
Lodash Uniq vs Javascript Set 2 5 years ago
Testing lastIndexOf vs split+pop 5 years ago
Strict equality VS typeof 5 years ago
BT Switch vs Object Literal 5 years ago
function call overhead

check function call overhead

5 years ago
splice-vs-sliceconcat-slicespread 5 years ago
$ Selector performance in JQuery 3 5 years ago
For loop vs Index Of

save length of the array in the variable vs get it the loop

5 years ago
Selector performance in JQuery 3 5 years ago
Different functions 5 years ago
querySelector by attribute (partial matching) VS getElementById VS getElementsByTagName

querySelector by attribute (partial matching) VS getElementById VS getElementsByTagName

5 years ago
querySelector by attribute (partial matching) VS getElementById

querySelector by attribute (partial matching) VS getElementById

5 years ago
map vs for 5 years ago
Sum with for and reduce 5 years ago
Looping selectors (1) 5 years ago
Branching if-else-if, if-return, lodash cond v2 5 years ago
Branching if-else-if, if-return, lodash cond 5 years ago
for vs foreach vs map vs (map, filter reduce) 5 years ago
Digit extraction 5 years ago
_.set Lodash.js vs Native 5 years ago
undefined vs. typeof vs. in vs. hasOwnProperty vs bool

Object lookup performance

5 years ago
querySelectorAll vs. getElementsByClassName with forEach 5 years ago
Object.assign vs spread operator - Jay 5 years ago
Lodash cloneDeep vs JSON Clone large Json 5 years ago

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