Benchmark name When Created
Array.from vs Spread declaring the Set 3 years ago
Apply array of filters to array 3 years ago
Apply array of filters 3 years ago
floor vs bitwise-not 3 years ago
Object assign vs spread operator benchmark 3 years ago
for vs. map 3 years ago
Regex removing whitespace vs trim vs targetted regex

testing removing beginning and end whitespace vs trim

3 years ago
array join vs toString js


3 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs splice for joining many arrays 3 years ago
toFixed vs Math.round() 2 3 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs splice for joining two arrays (fixed bug) 3 years ago
toFixed vs Math.round() 3 years ago
Array: concat vs spread operator vs push with spread operator 3 years ago
Array concat vs spread operator vs push with spread operator 3 years ago
repeated Math.random() vs crypto.getRandomValues() 3 years ago
compare node id getters 3 years ago
typeof undefined vs undefined equality check vs double-equal 3 years ago
typeof undefined vs undefined equality check 3 years ago
webg vs canvas 3 years ago
Regex vs split/join on replacing empty spaces 3 years ago
textContent vs innerText


3 years ago
Multiple Lodash.get vs Single Lodash.get 3 years ago
treeWalker param vs treefalker with filter function vs querySelectorAll edit 3 years ago
treeWalker param vs treefalker with filter function vs querySelectorAll 3 years ago
Lodash.isEqual vs Array.join() Equality Comparison for Shallow Array of Strings.

Test on isEqual performance

3 years ago

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