Benchmark name When Created
for-in vs object.keys with for loop large obj fixed 3 years ago
for-in vs object.keys with for loop large obj 3 years ago
for-in vs object.keys with for loop fixed 3 years ago
for-in vs object.keys with for loop 3 years ago
Window Perf

Measuring performance of {...window} vs New Proxy(window)

3 years ago


3 years ago
Create element performance benchmark

Testing the performance of creating the elements using createElement() and appendChild() vs simply setting the innerHTML to a string

3 years ago
querySelector from document or from element

Figuring out what's faster, using querySelector from document or from an element closer to the wanted element

3 years ago
textContent vs id

textContent vs id

3 years ago
caching 3 years ago
Array vs Object vs Map vs WeakMap access (1) 3 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator big arrays

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method on big arrays of 2M items

3 years ago
remove by splice vs filter array v5

Deletion of an element from an array.

3 years ago
remove by splice vs filter array v4

Deletion of an element from an array.

3 years ago
remove by splice vs filter array v3

Deletion of an element from an array.

3 years ago
remove by splice vs filter array

Deletion of an element from an array.

3 years ago
Test for and for reverse 3 years ago
Lodash vs native round1 3 years ago
Length validation 3 years ago
arr.lenght vs 3 years ago
match vs test vs split vs trim to check for empty string or all spaces 3 years ago
FilterMap vs Map 3 years ago
Object cloning with Lodash clone vs cloneDeep vs merge vs assign vs ES6 object spread vs ES6 Object.assign 3 years ago
luxon vs datefns vs moment 3 years ago
FindIndex + splice vs filter FindIndex 3 years ago

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