Benchmark name When Created
prototype methods vs defined function

Testing performance: multiple prototype methods chained after one another that invoke a function from a external source (like fs.readDir or fs.stat, but in this case onTodo1 and onTodo2) - VS - one prototype method that creates a new function in the scope of that one method every time the method is called.

3 years ago
IndexOf vs Includes vs _.includes for number array 3 years ago
Typeof x === 'undefined' vs x === undefined (test without syntax error) 3 years ago
Compare of different Canvas Context2D properties RW

Compare of different Canvas Context2D properties RW

3 years ago
Test speed of undefined

Test speed of !== undefined vs. only the variable name.

3 years ago
Comparing Regex To Split 3 years ago
Lodash.js vs Nativejdjdjdjd 3 years ago
Lodash set with clonedeep vs set FP

Difference between a set where we do a cloneDeep first and a set from FP. This is useful when writing Redux reducers.

3 years ago
function vs class 2 3 years ago
function vs class 3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago
Spread vc push 3 years ago
epoch milliseconds to ISO string, precalculated numbers 3

A function that converts an epoch time into an ISO string

3 years ago
epoch milliseconds to ISO string, precalculated numbers 2

A function that converts an epoch time into an ISO string

3 years ago
Lodash.get vs Property dot notation (Nested) 3 years ago
custom diff VS sort join 3 years ago
Sum vs Reduce comparision 3 years ago
epoch milliseconds to ISO string, precalculated numbers

A function that converts an epoch time into an ISO string

3 years ago
JS removeAttribute 3 years ago
Delete vs destructure vs reduce for objects

Measure the performance of delete versus removing a prop from an object

3 years ago
Access Object, Map, Array, Set with n items #2 3 years ago
set.has vs. array.includes of html input types 3 years ago
Access Object, Map, Array, Set with n items 3 years ago
Recreate Object vs Map vs Array vs Set 3 years ago

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