Benchmark name When Created
cached Intl.NumberFormat vs new Intl.NumberFormat vs toLocaleString 3 years ago
cached Intl.NumberFormat vs toLocaleString 3 years ago
classcat, clsx, obj-str, vanilla 3 years ago
casa - for...of vs Array.from vs .forEach 3 years ago
Can JavaScript benefit from the ECS pattern?

JS arrays are weird and (probably?) not memory-contiguous, but just for kicks, let's see what difference there is (if any) between performing the same action on 1,000,000 objects in an object-oriented style (with the method attached to the object) vs an ECS-style (with the behavior separated from the raw data)

3 years ago
Set Has vs Array Includes

Comparing performance of Set.has() vs Array.includes()

3 years ago
Fixed lodash merge vs object.assign vs spread 3 years ago
spread vs mutation vs Object.assign for reduce callback vs object assign map spread 3 years ago
Performance Test: substring vs substr vs slice vs split 3 years ago
Let var differencee 3 years ago
Let var difference 3 years ago
Aaadkdk 3 years ago
Test Regexps 3 years ago
Reflect.set vs Object.assign vs Direct assignment 3 years ago
check sorting perf

test performance of array sorting

3 years ago
Queue Test 3 years ago
Custom Test Benchmark for Structs

Testing wether if a struct will be better suited for the job

3 years ago
cloneDeep 3 years ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Object.assign performance vs Multiple statementd 3 years ago
Reduce Push vs. flatMap 3 years ago
Intl.DateTimeFormat vs ReduceReplace Date Format 2 3 years ago
Intl.DateTimeFormat vs Reduce/Replace Format 3 years ago
In operator vs Object Accessors 3 years ago'color', 'red') vs = 'color: red' vs el.setAttribute('style', 'color: red') vs = 'red' FIXED 3 years ago
Lodash sort vs array.prototype.sort copy2 3 years ago

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