Benchmark name When Created
Lodash cloneDeep vs JSON Clone vs freeze and destructure -w/ dates 3 years ago
Lodash cloneDeep vs JSON Clone vs freeze and destructure -with dates 3 years ago
Slice vs Slice(0) 3 years ago
Lodash cloneDeep vs JSON Clone vs freeze and destructure 3 years ago
toString vs concatonate 3 years ago
ClassList add vs className += 3 years ago
const arr = [1,2,3]; const res = !!arr.lenght; 3 years ago
Math.max/min vs ternary operator (in functions) 3 years ago
Random I/O various arrays 3 years ago
Ringbuffer array vs Float64Array 3 years ago
setAttribute vs classList.add (attribute adding) V2 3 years ago
querySelectorAll vs jQuery 2 3 years ago
toFixed vs toPrecision vs Math.round() vs Math.floorfast vs new Math.trunc vs numeraljs

Comparing performance of: toFixed(4) vs toPrecision(4).toString() vs (Math.round(*10000)/10000).toString() vs Math.floor fast vs the new Math.trunc

3 years ago
eval vs json parse for array of objects 3 years ago
for vs foreach vs some vs for..of big array

Compare loop performance

3 years ago
prototype methods: alternate this vs normal this 3 years ago
methods vs functions 3 years ago
Split join vs replace 2 3 years ago
Split join vs replace 3 years ago
Object cloning with Lodash cloneDeep vs ES6 object spread vs JSON.stringify 3 years ago
Moment valueOf vs. new Date().getTime() 3 years ago
JS Operator vs Function 3 years ago vs forEach 3 years ago
JS operator 3 years ago
for loop vs foreach vs map (obj mutation) 3 years ago

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