Benchmark name When Created
for vs foreach vs some vs for..of 1000 (improved)

Compare loop performance

3 years ago
For..of (with Reverse) vs For (backwards) 3 years ago
Benchmark on spread and concat

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

3 years ago
String Concatenation Example 3 years ago
optimizing DOM selectors

optimizing DOM selectors

3 years ago
array find vs _.find vs _.find (Array) vs _.find (Object)

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

3 years ago
str.match vs str.Split first result

Test String.match with regex against String.split with string. We are splitting a string at the spaces.

3 years ago
Substring from second and from fifth character, within 10 characters 3 years ago
Reflect.deleteProperty vs delete 3 years ago
Unique values (large list) 3 years ago
joining two arrays with concat and slice 3 years ago
Date Test speed parse iso vs ts1 3 years ago
toFixed vs Math.round()12 3 years ago
Lodash Uniq vs Javascript Set #2 3 years ago
array.push vs object literal vs array literal 3 years ago
getElementById vs querySelector vs getElementsByClassName vs getElementsByName 2

Test performance of different ways of get just one particular DOM element

3 years ago
empties vs small array 3 years ago
className.indexOf vs. classList.contains (fixed) 3 years ago
empty elements 3 years ago
Lodash cloneDeep vs JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) 3 years ago
Date Comparisons

Testing the perf impact, if any, of date calculations.

3 years ago
Inv Fast Sqrt

Compare Quakes fast inverse squareroot with reciprocal of math squareroot

3 years ago
Date Test speed parse iso vs ts 3 years ago
== vs === v3 3 years ago
Yeahaaa 3 years ago

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