Benchmark name When Created
Slice vs Splice vs Shift

Compares the speed for removing 2 items from the beginning of an array

3 years ago
Ramda vs Lodash vs Native : Remove selected values 3 years ago
Ramda vs Lodash sortBy 3 years ago
Ramda vs Lodash vs Native findIndex 3 years ago
Ramda vs Lodash findIndex 2 3 years ago
Ramda vs Lodash findIndex 3 years ago
new Date vs

Compares the overhead of new Date().getTime() and

3 years ago
constructor comparison vs. instanceof vs Array.isArray 2

Compares the performance of comparing a constructor strictly to a function object, using the instanceof operator and calling Array.isArray

3 years ago
Fair lodash merge vs object.assign vs spread 3 years ago
lodash uniq vs set (Albert edition) 3 years ago
lodash merge 4.17.21 vs deepmerge 4.2.2 3 years ago
JS Regex vs .startsWith vs .indexOf vs endsWith vs charAt

fork of

3 years ago
Sanitize-html vs DOMpurify 3 years ago
For in vs For vs Object.keys.forEach 3 years ago
some unique name na prawde + mapa + nic

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

3 years ago
some unique name na prawde21

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

3 years ago
JS Array.from vs Spread [...] 3 years ago
some unique name na prawde + mapa

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

3 years ago
Lodash vs. Native (find) 3 years ago
Picon dev - insatnce of vs isPrototyOf 3 years ago
Multiple getElementById vs querySelector 3 years ago
Optional Chaining versus _.get lodash 3 years ago
Array.prototype.sort (utc date property vs epoch date simulation property)

Comparing sort on utc date property inside object vs sort on epoch date property inside object

3 years ago
Join vs Join2 part 2 3 years ago
Array.prototype.sort (objects vs integers)

Comparing sort on date property inside object vs sort array of integers

3 years ago

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