Benchmark name When Created
my Object.assign-vs-Spread 5 years ago
Object.assign-vs-Spread 5 years ago
Compare objects 5 years ago
size_compact vs sumBy 5 years ago
createelement vs clone true 5 years ago
createelement vs clone 5 years ago
JQuery 1.7 VS 3.3.1 5 years ago
[test] for vs find 5 years ago
Object.assign vs spread operator SM 5 years ago
Comparing performance of: _.uniqWith vs native impl 5 years ago
compare math.pow and ** operator 5 years ago
array.from vs spread big data 5 years ago
memoizeOne - for loop

Comparing current memoizeOne to for loop version

5 years ago
SVG parsing

fastest way to inject svg in HTML code

5 years ago
pre-increment vs post-increment in loops 5 years ago
jQuery 3.3.1 selector vs jQuery 2.1.4 vs document.querySelector vs document.getElementById length

Comparing speed of jQuery 3.3.1 selector, jQuery 2.1.4, vanilla JS querySelector, and vanilla JS getElementById

5 years ago
Jquery versions Benchmarch 2

SImple benchmark of jQuery versions

5 years ago
Array.prototype.slice vs spread operator fork

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional slice() method

5 years ago
object assign vs object spread on growing objects

Object.assign and the spread operator are about equally fast on tiny objects. But how do they scale as objects get increasingly more keys?

5 years ago
Splice vs Filter 5 years ago
fdghsjfg dshjfg


5 years ago
locale 5 years ago
Lodash cloneDeep vs JSON Clonea 5 years ago
concat vs spread operator vs push..

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

5 years ago
fastest vs slowest is backwards 5 years ago

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