Benchmark name When Created
jsj 4 undefined vs. typeof vs. in vs. hasOwnProperty

Object lookup performance

5 years ago
jsj2 undefined vs. typeof vs. in vs. hasOwnProperty

Object lookup performance

5 years ago
jsj undefined vs. typeof vs. in vs. hasOwnProperty

Object lookup performance

5 years ago
switch vs if-else vs lookup

yo yo

5 years ago
JQuery 1.11.1 vs 2.1.4 vs 3.3.1 vs 1.12.4

SImple benchmark of jQuery versions

5 years ago
asdfasdfasf 5 years ago
test performance of string types2 5 years ago
test double, single, back ticks in string

Yes but. single quotes with escaped apostrophee

5 years ago
compact function 5 years ago
unique elements in array using filter 5 years ago
array includes 5 years ago
array some vs _.some 5 years ago
every and _every 5 years ago
array iteration vs _.each vs map 5 years ago
Array for vs foreach vs map 5 years ago
Set union forEach vs forOf 5 years ago
Set iteration-fixed 5 years ago
Set iteration 5 years ago
My Benchmark Name 5 years ago
Array.from vs Spread with Node List 5 years ago
ramda merge vs object.assign vs spread 5 years ago
array concat vs spread operator

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

5 years ago
_.filter vs array filter 5 years ago
native find vs lodash _.find

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

5 years ago
native find vs _.find

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

5 years ago

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