Benchmark name When Created
Object.assign (with/without empty object) vs spread operator 5 years ago
Global Lookups

The efficiency is directly proportional to the number of calls to the global scope.

5 years ago
Object Lookup 5 years ago
If Lookup vs. Switch Lookup 5 years ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Using assignment 5 years ago
for-in iteration with and without cache 5 years ago
jQuery by class vs Document.getElementsByClassName Updated

Comparing speed of getting element by id with jQuery vs Vanilla JS

5 years ago
Angular clone vs Lodash cloneDeep -1 5 years ago
Angular clone vs Lodash cloneDeep 5 years ago
weather 5 years ago
Date vs date time 5 years ago
selector test 5 years ago
CircleSmallTest 5 years ago


5 years ago
var vs. const vs. let 5 years ago
Object Property Access Notation: Destructuring vs. Dot. vs. Bracket 5 years ago
Object Direct Guard Arg Vs Global 5 years ago
Accessing Object Data via Global vs. Argument Reference 5 years ago
Object access 5 years ago
Accessing Property of Object Directly vs. Defensively 5 years ago
IndexOf 5 years ago
push / shift 2 5 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs splice vs loop for joining lots of arrays 5 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs splice for joining lots of arrays 5 years ago
My Own Test Push, concat , spred.

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

5 years ago

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