Benchmark name When Created
JavaScript spread operator vs Object.assign performance 2123 123123 5 years ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Object.assign performance 2123 5 years ago
Array concat vs spread operator vs for each push - Huge arrays

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

5 years ago
Lodash vs Lodash FP get 5 years ago
Array concat vs spread operator vs for each push

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

5 years ago
Array.prototype.slice vs spread operator (fixed version)

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional slice() method

5 years ago
Javascript - Array merge

Comparison of techniques for merging performance-focused arrays.

5 years ago
concat vs unshift vs spread

spread vs concat vs unshift

5 years ago
concat vs unshift

spread vs concat vs unshift

5 years ago
Slice vs Spread -kathir 5 years ago
indexOf vs reg 复杂

对于复杂的string 性能对比

5 years ago
indexOf vs reg 5 years ago
matchMedia vs document.body.clientWidth 5 years ago
lodash omit versus spread omit 5 years ago
lodash omit vs. spread omit 5 years ago
simple Math.max vs ternary 5 years ago
Functional Match vs Switch 5 years ago
delete vs destructure 5 years ago
js object vs array 5 years ago
Some vs. indexOf v21 5 years ago
Some vs. indexOf v2 5 years ago
Ramda vs. Lodash vos lodash fp

Compares performance on the same task using Lodash vs two styles of Ramda vs two styles of "native" Javascript. In all cases the task is pulling "counter" property from each item in an array, filtering out odd items, squaring them, then returning those squared values that have less than two digits.

5 years ago
Lodash sortBy vs orderBy corrected

Lodash sortBy vs orderBy

5 years ago
Sum vs Reduce 5 years ago
Lodash sortBy vs orderBy 22

Lodash sortBy vs orderBy

5 years ago

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