Benchmark name When Created
Array concat vs spread operator vs push with random array 10000

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

5 years ago
Array concat vs spread operator vs push with random array 10000

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

5 years ago
Object.assign vs spread operator test 5 years ago
Spread vs push asdfasdfasdf

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

5 years ago
Switch vs Object Literal for Values 5 years ago
Test Pow vs Times 5 years ago
lodah includes vs lodash

lodash vs includes

5 years ago
includes vs lodash

lodash vs includes

5 years ago
array join vs _.join 5 years ago
lodash filter vs splice (no lodash) 5 years ago
Negation vs normal boolean value 5 years ago
Attribute name size performance 5 years ago
classList vs setAttribute 5 years ago
lodash foreach vs native foreach (mmr) 5 years ago
Spread vs Concat JS ES6 5 years ago
Underscore 1.6 vss Underscore 1.9 5 years ago
_.orderBy vs array.prototype.sort Small Array 5 years ago
for & forEach comparison (Jquery, Lodash and Native) 5 years ago
lodash .forEach vs JS forEach

lodash vs native

5 years ago

test test

5 years ago
wasm vs webcrypto 5 years ago
Sha256-Hex-Effect 5 years ago
lodash merge vs object.assign vs spread - multilevel 5 years ago


5 years ago
drawImage: Copy from image or canvas ggg 5 years ago

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