Benchmark name When Created
Array push vs spread operator (including front)

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional push method

4 years ago
Array push vs spread operator

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional push method

4 years ago
createElement vs createContextualFragment 4 years ago
WebGL math library comparison

Originally from jsperf webgl-math-library-comparisson A comparisson of several math / vector libraries to be used against webgl. The test is intended to help select the fastest library to use for webgl projects. Libraries Tested: Closure / goog.math, gl-matrix, N3D, Sylvester, vanilla js These results show that the allocation of small temporary objects is practically free in modern browsers. Arrays are still much slower though. With this in mind, an ideal modern webgl math library should use immutable objects for each function call and then have a final conversion to Float32Array function only used when assigning the result to WebGL since allocating ArrayBuffers is also extremely slow.

4 years ago
img selector 4 years ago
unify-lazy-load 4 years ago
Spread vs Object.assign vs Object.keys with forEach 4 years ago
Spread vs Object.assign vs Object.keys 4 years ago
Spread vs Object.assign vs Object.keys and reduce 4 years ago
Spread vs Object.assign vs Not merging 4 years ago
reduce vs assigning with a forEach 4 years ago
Substr vs slice vs replace 4 years ago
Array Exists vs If...else 4 years ago
Performance Test: substring + indexOf x split + splice x split + [0] x regex multiple 4 years ago
This is test benchmark

test new version

4 years ago
using data set. array vs object 4 years ago
Lodash 2.2.0 cloneDeep vs JSON Clone w/ large nested object 4 years ago
spread vs assign 341340932403214901 4 years ago
spread vs assign 34134093240321490 4 years ago
isnan regex and typeof 4 years ago
className vs. setAttribute vs. classList v2 4 years ago
json stringify vs array tostring 2 4 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs ES6 spread operator

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

4 years ago
merge fn vs deepmerge 4 years ago
lodash dropRigth vs native pop 4 years ago

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