Benchmark name When Created
compare reverse and indexOf with endsWith 3 years ago
array concat vs spread 2 3 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator 4

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

3 years ago
true copy2


3 years ago
true copy 3 years ago
string replaceAll test 3 years ago
slice vs substr vs substring with search 3 years ago


3 years ago
filter-innerJoin vs filter-some 3 years ago
No string building — faster code! Or not?.. Complex data. 3 years ago
Splice vs. Spread Slice 3 years ago
No string building — faster code! Or not?.. Big N. 3 years ago
No string building — faster code! Or nor?.. 3 years ago
Performance of Object.values(obj) vs_.values() vs to extract values from an object with 1000 entries-3

Compare performance between the native Object.values(obj) function vs the lodash _.values() option and a function that extracts the values of an object using a loop.

3 years ago
Performance of Object.values(obj) vs_.values() vs to extract values from an object with 1000 entries-2

Compare performance between the native Object.values(obj) function vs the lodash _.values() option and a function that extracts the values of an object using a loop.

3 years ago
Performance of Object.values(obj) vs_.values() vs to extract values from an object with 1000 entries

Compare performance between the native Object.values(obj) function vs the lodash _.values() option and a function that extracts the values of an object using a loop.

3 years ago
Data Properties vs. Accessor Properties vs. Getter / Setter Methods 1

The purpose of this benchmark is to determine the performance differences between data properties, accessor properties and getters / setter functions.

3 years ago
Lodash vs Ramda vs Native 2020-09-01

Tests libraries lodash, ramda and native array functions on a sequence of map, filter, map filter operations.

3 years ago
Lodash vs Ramda 2020-09-01 3 years ago
optional chaining X old spice 3 years ago
optional chaining versus old spice 3 years ago
Lodash Object vs Array [immutable vs mutable] [object.keys vs object.entries] 3 years ago
findIndex vs indexOf 3 years ago
typeof vs typecast measuring

Testing if performance with typeof var === 'var type string' i better than typecasting.

3 years ago
uniqBy performance test

lodash vs javascript

3 years ago

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