Benchmark name When Created
~ Hashmap vs Array.Filter one year ago
Test Performance lodash

Test performance

one year ago
remove test2 one year ago
Array loop vs foreach vs map 12 one year ago
if-else vs switch case one year ago


one year ago
lodash difference vs array filter one year ago
some() vs every() one year ago
Lodash.js vs Native random2 one year ago
Qry vs id one year ago
Creating partial objects (Array.reduce vs for loop) one year ago
Access from Object.seal vs Object.freeze vs normal one year ago
JSON Querying Comparisons one year ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Object.assign performance (same specs) one year ago
desctruct vs property assign for 1000 items

((acc, key) => ({ ...acc, [key]: value}) vs { acc[key] = value; return acc }

one year ago
For, While one year ago
Reduce vs FlatMap (500 x 20)

Speed comparison between Array.prototype.reduce using array destructuring vs Array.prototype.flatMap, for a 500 by 20 two-dimensional array, simulating 20 pages each with 500 items

one year ago
Reduce vs FlatMap (500 x 500)

Speed comparison between Array.prototype.reduce using array destructuring vs Array.prototype.flatMap, for a 500 by 500 two-dimensional array, simulating 500 pages each with 500 items

one year ago
Reduce vs FlatMap (500 x 100)

Speed comparison between Array.prototype.reduce using array destructuring vs Array.prototype.flatMap, for a 500 by 100 two-dimensional array, simulating 100 pages each with 500 items

one year ago
Reduce vs Flat (500 x 500)

Speed comparison between Array.prototype.reduce using array destructuring vs Array.prototype.flat, for a 500 by 100 two-dimensional array, simulating 500 pages each with 500 items

one year ago
Reduce vs Flat (500 x 100)

Speed comparison between Array.prototype.reduce using array destructuring vs Array.prototype.flat, for a 500 by 100 two-dimensional array, simulating 100 pages each with 500 items

one year ago
Reduce vs Flat (100 pages, each with 500 items)

Speed comparison between Array.prototype.reduce using array destructuring vs Array.prototype.flat, for a 500 by 100 two-dimensional array.

one year ago
stripped down reduce vs map + join one year ago
Regex vs indexOf vs Set

Testing some things

one year ago vs typeof (only isObject, full implementation) one year ago

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