Benchmark name When Created
Math.max/min vs if vs ternary operator vs custom function 5 years ago
Test method Object 5 years ago
Object spread

test object

5 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

5 years ago
Factory 5 years ago
for vs array functions 5 years ago
Object.hasOwnProperty vs Object in vs Object[] vs Array.indexOf vs Array.includes 50k 5 years ago
Angular 1.7.5 Copy vs Lodash 4.17.11 Clone Deep

compare object copy

5 years ago
Check map performance 5 years ago
bracket balance algorithm

compare different solutions of a bracket balancing algorithm.

5 years ago
bracket balance

compare different iterations of a bracket balancing algorithm.

5 years ago
querySelector vs getElementsByClassName get first element 5 years ago
Regex: exec() vs search() and test()

Tests which method is the fastest way to get the beginning and end index of a regex match in a long string

5 years ago
Array.from vs Spread vs Iterate 5 years ago
Sha-xxx 5 years ago
Test Between Concat and Spread 5 years ago
concat vs spread funcking operator2 5 years ago
concat vs spread funcking operator 5 years ago
fetch vs ajax call

fetch vs ajax call

5 years ago
JSON Query Comparison

Comparison of various JSON Querying libraries

5 years ago
testing spread versus slice 5 years ago
Angular Copy vs Angular Copy w/ Depth vs Lodash Copy vs Lodash Copy Deep vs JSON

compare object copy

5 years ago
Object.assing vs spead operator

Deep copying an object

5 years ago
indexOf vs while vs for 5 years ago
regexp.exec: group 5 years ago

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