Benchmark name When Created
Lodash.get vs Property dot notation (test more) 5 years ago
Lodash.get vs Property dot notation (test) 5 years ago
Lodash.js vs Nativeыы 5 years ago
querySelectorAll vs. getElementsByClassName 5 years ago
Array loop vs foreach vs map (10k) 5 years ago
isInteger vs Regexp 5 years ago
isInteger vs match Regexp 5 years ago
cloneDeep vs merge 5 years ago
hacked if test vs plain if test

just for fun

5 years ago
Set vs POJO 5 years ago
camelCased vs kebab-cased 5 years ago
Class vs Attribute selector 2 5 years ago
Class vs Attribute selector 5 years ago
Loop Testing 5 years ago
object.create vs _.clone 5 years ago
IndexOf vs Includes vs lodash includes


5 years ago
Object values vs _.values vs improved polyfill 5 years ago
Object.assign vs object assign 5 years ago

foreach baby

5 years ago
Object values vs _.values 2

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

5 years ago
Object values vs _.values vs polyfill 5 years ago
forEach(item) vs forEach(item, index, array)

If we write the full prototype: arr.forEach(item, index, array) how much is the penalty?

5 years ago
Bitwise vs Boolean data handling 5 years ago
jQuery vs Vanilla JS SetText Speed Test testraw 5 years ago
jQuery vs Vanilla JS SetText Speed Test test 5 years ago

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