Benchmark name When Created
Split vs Repace 5 years ago
getRandomHex 5 years ago
test 4bc5a6e8-e19c-46c7-8c39-c70b7152fe5f 5 years ago
test 4bc5a6e8-e19c-46c7-8c39-c70b7152fe4f 5 years ago
Map (Native vs Ramda vs Lodash)_2

measures the speed of ramda's map vs Array's native map vs lodash map

5 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator multiple arrays

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

5 years ago
index vs lastindexof startsWith 5 years ago
lodash extendvs object.assign vs spread 5 years ago
Object.assign vs spread operator 1 5 years ago
lodash_array_objects_2 5 years ago
lodash_array_objects 5 years ago
object create vs others 5 years ago
Lodash isEqual array

Test isEqual performance for simple arrays against JSON stringify

5 years ago
fdsdfgsdfg 5 years ago
sadsfsd 5 years ago
sadddsasad 5 years ago
dsfasfdfads 5 years ago
ddfasassad 5 years ago
swdfdw 5 years ago
dumb test 5 years ago
_.filter vs Array.filter 5 years ago
Object.assign vs spread operator vs mutation 5 years ago
Object.assign vs spread operator 2 5 years ago
Array.reduce2 5 years ago
Different ways of writing Array.reduce 5 years ago

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