Benchmark name When Created
client width vs matchmedia

who is faster?

5 years ago
closest 5 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator vs push (no jQuery)

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

5 years ago
Currying vs creating arrow functions 5 years ago
Attr test 5 years ago
Lodash isEqual test for strings

Test on isEqual performance on strings

5 years ago
Object Deep Copyit

Produce a deep copy of a Javascript object where nested objects are not simply references to the originals.

5 years ago
Remove last element of string: slice vs substr vs substring

Compares slice, substr and substring to each other when there is only a start index

5 years ago
filter object 5 years ago
sort object 5 years ago
Lodash.filter vs array.filter

Lodash.filter vs array.filter

5 years ago
test performance of string type with interpolation v2 5 years ago
test performance of string type with interpolation 5 years ago
Test on isEqual and fastEqual false performance

Comparing performance of: _.isEqual vs JSON.stringify

5 years ago
Element By Id vs Nested ID QuerySelector

Compares the speed in finding elements in a webpage, when the parent node is known, between getElementByID and node.querySelector

5 years ago
Spread operator test

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

5 years ago
for vs each 5 years ago
lodash uniq vs vanilla set - final 5 years ago
lodash uniq vs vanilla set 5 years ago
lodash forEach vs array.forEach 5 years ago
Math.pow vs Math.sqrt\!!! 5 years ago
hdtnoeadhostaen 5 years ago
Date test

Date test

5 years ago
Lodash sort vs array.prototype.sort on dates 5 years ago
querySelector vs getElementsByClassName (get first element) 5 years ago

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