Benchmark name When Created
testasdadadadadsdfdgfhfgfgh 5 years ago
lodash merge vs object.assign vs spread v2222 5 years ago
assigning undefined vs null 5 years ago
Maping numeric vs f32 vs f64

compare the map speed of an array of random true/false values compared to an ArrayBuffer with a uInt8 view of 0 or 1. The results are that the typed array is much much faster. There are two possible reasons I can think of for this. 1) JavaScript boolean type size of 4Bytes where as an element of a uInt8 array is actually 1Byte. 2) The ArrayBuffer is allocating contiguous memory resulting in a better cache hit ratio.

5 years ago
Performance : Object.assign vs Spread operator vs Vanilla 5 years ago
Object.assign vs spread operator vs vanilla 5 years ago
Setting Canvas Pixel with 1M iterations 5 years ago
Lodash Uniq vs Javascript Set 222 5 years ago
getElementById() vs jQuery(#id) 5 years ago
addClass JS vanilla vs JQuery 5 years ago
lodash with big object - 3 5 years ago
lodash with big object - 2 5 years ago
perf of lodash with big object 5 years ago
lodash with big object 5 years ago
cached matchMedia 5 years ago
jQuery Ajax vs Get (Cloudflare cdn) 5 years ago
lo vs native 5 years ago
When use Immutable 5 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator 3

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

5 years ago
mathyyyy 5 years ago
Test kaakkaka 5 years ago
Lodash cloneDeep VS spread operator 5 years ago
Big inside of small vs small inside of big loops 5 years ago
Math.round 1 5 years ago
Js spread vs push vs concat 5 years ago

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