Benchmark name When Created
filter: ramda (0.26.9) vs native 5 years ago
Map: Native vs Lodash vs Rambda vs Sanctuary 5 years ago
Map - Native vs Lodash vs Ramda vs Sanctuary 5 years ago
Lodash Get vs Native 5 years ago
createElement vs cloneNode modified

Faster way to create new dom elements before insertion

5 years ago
palindrom test 5 years ago
Array (native) vs Ramda 5 years ago
TEstdfsdfs 5 years ago
Array.first vs Lodash.first 5 years ago
Map vs Object 2

Set of map vs object

5 years ago
Object.keys vs for in vs Object.getOwnPropertyNames with a twist


5 years ago
Object.keys vs for in vs Object.getOwnPropertyNames


5 years ago
getOwnPropertyNames vs Object.keys


5 years ago
shallow array clone comparison with random data 5 years ago
JS array union large arrays - concat vs spread 5 years ago
JS array union - concat vs spread 5 years ago
Lodash sort vs array.prototype.sort vs basic sort 5 years ago
Ramda (0.26.0) mergeRight vs spread 5 years ago
Ramda merge vs spread 5 years ago
4Lodash.js vs Native2 5 years ago
Lodash.js vs Native2 5 years ago
Array.prototype.slice vs spread operator (forked 2)

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional slice() method

5 years ago
Array.prototype.slice vs spread operator (forked)

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional slice() method

5 years ago
lee - spread vs concat 5 years ago
Math.pow() vs ** 5 years ago

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