Benchmark name When Created
Lodash cloneDeep vs JSON Clonef 5 years ago
ul li each test 5 years ago
Switch vs Object Literal w/out console.log 4 5 years ago
Switch vs Object Literal w/out console.log 3 5 years ago
Switch vs Object Literal w/out console.log 2 5 years ago
Switch vs Object Literal w/out console.log 5 years ago
Alternative ImageBitmap resizing option using CanvasElement

There is currently a bug on Chrome Version 74.0.3729.131 (Official Build) (64-bit) (5/12/2019) with ImageBitmap where attempting to resize an ImageBitmap through ImageBitmapOptions will causes the resulting ImageBitmap to render very poorly when used with drawImage, even if the resulting ImageBitmap is resized to be smaller than the source image.

5 years ago
Test: reduce vs for 5 years ago
MeteorMenu data comparison

Compares cached data to "newly" fetched data

5 years ago
moment.valueOf vs Date.valueOf 5 years ago
1d to 2d array - for i vs while splice 5 years ago
Array.from(string) vs string.split("") 5 years ago
Benchmark cloning methodsasdasd 5 years ago
Benchmark cloning methods 5 years ago
JavaScript spread operator vs `Object.assign()` performance 5 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread vs push

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

5 years ago
Lodash multiple iteration sort vs multiple array.prototype.sort 5 years ago
json stringify vs array tostring vs type coercion 5 years ago
Lodash clone vs cloneDeep 5 years ago
removeOuterParentheses1 5 years ago
array pop 5 years ago
Hello World

Hello world

5 years ago
lodash merge vs deepmerge 2 5 years ago
lodash merge vs deepmerge 5 years ago

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