Benchmark name When Created
querySelector vs getElementsByClassName[0] with real dom

Slight alteration because querySelector only returns a first element.

5 years ago
ISO Date vs Epoch 5 years ago
Lodash.get vs Property dot notation for nested properties 5 years ago
Array Splice vs Splice 5 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread vs push operator

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

5 years ago
fafa234 5 years ago
Test2244 5 years ago
Test22 5 years ago
Loops javascript

Javascript loops

5 years ago
Concat Array 5 years ago
Push vs Spread Random 5 years ago
className.indexOf vs. classList.contains 5 years ago
Bug with Resizing ImageBitmap causes slower than expected performance

There is currently a bug on Chrome Version 74.0.3729.131 (Official Build) (64-bit) (5/12/2019) with ImageBitmap where attempting to resize an ImageBitmap through ImageBitmapOptions will causes the resulting ImageBitmap to render very poorly when used with drawImage, even if the resulting ImageBitmap is resized to be smaller than the source image.

5 years ago
className vs. getAttribute vs. classList v 5 years ago
className vs. getAttribute vs. classList 5 years ago
Ramda complex map over large array 5 years ago
Concat vs Slice 5 years ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Object.assign performance --UPDATE 5 years ago
Stable Hash 5 years ago
lodash merge vs lodash assign vs object.assign vs spread vs. native assign 5 years ago
Object Hash 5 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator on NodeList v2

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

5 years ago
OffscreenCanvas vs HTMLCanvasElement drawImage() (w/ Transferables) (version: 1)

1. drawImage on the main thread 2. drawImage on a worker thread (passing messages as Strings) 3. drawImage on a worker thread (passing messages as ArrayBuffer(100)) 4. drawImage on a worker thread (Transferable messages as ArrayBuffer(100))

5 years ago
OffscreenCanvas vs HTMLCanvasElement drawImage() (w/ Transferables) 5 years ago
OffscreenCanvas vs HTMLCanvasElement drawImage() (w/ Transferable)

Comparing OffscreenCanvas vs HTMLCanvasElement, and investigating the usage of multiple postMessage strategies, from structured cloning of objects to transferable ArrayBuffers.

5 years ago

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