Benchmark name When Created
Filter with include vs filter without include 2

A comparison between a filter using include vs the same filter without include

2 years ago
Filter with include vs filter without include

A comparison between a filter using include vs the same filter without include

2 years ago
cloneNode perf

Faster way to create new dom elements before insertion

2 years ago
cloneNode perf test

Faster way to create new dom elements before insertion

2 years ago
.includes() vs .test() vs .match() vs .indexOf()

Compare different intra-string matching styles

2 years ago


2 years ago
Array push vs spread vs concat iterations 5000

When adding an element to an array, measure the performance of push, spread syntax and concat. The case is when original array must contain the new element, thus modifying it in process.

2 years ago
lodash uniq vs set + spread 2 years ago
shift, unshift, concat 2 years ago
Optional chaining vs Lodash.get 2 2 years ago
Optional chaining vs Lodash.get 2 years ago
querySelector vs. getElementsByClassName nested dom

Testing querySelector against getElementsByClassName in a larger DOM with multiple target nodes (only one is needed)

2 years ago
JS selectors getters 2 years ago
Array loop vs foreach vs map with large array 2 years ago
random contrast 2 years ago
Component re-renders 2 2 years ago
React Hooks 3 2 years ago
Lodash takeRight vs slice correct 2 years ago
Lodash takeRight vs slice 2 years ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Object.a 2 years ago
Split vs Regex vs Replace Iteration 2 years ago
Split vs Regex Iteration 2 years ago
JSON.parse vs string.split small fixed array 2 years ago
JSON.parse vs string.split small array 2 years ago
Date parsing performance 2 years ago

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