Benchmark name When Created
multiple selectors vs multiple matches

Is it faster to check if a full selector matches an element or if individual selectors match? One matching selector is FASTER than many by a factor of x3 (which only gets worse as more selectors are searched, > 1000 is like x7) HOWEVER, if you need to determine WHICH selectors match, that requires you to do the individual search, at which point your search is actually a quarter worse than just doing the individual search at the start. nullifying much of the savings. If a match will be RARE, it could make sense to do the full string. however, if a match is common, I'd just stick with the individual matching from the start.

2 years ago
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2 years ago
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Compare lodash isEmpty and length comparison on strings

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2 years ago
get precision from number string

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2 years ago
Comparing sum of array elements between Native and lodash and some more for loops 2 years ago

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