Benchmark name When Created
Fastest way to check if object is empty with 3 types of checks

You don't need to make add for loops in your test scenarios, the benchmark does it itself.

one month ago
Inline array vs regex one month ago
string concat bla one month ago
className vs classList with existing classes one month ago
Lodash _.first vs array[0] test 2 one month ago
Lodash.isEqual vs JSON.stringify Equality Comparison for Deep Array of Objects

Test on isEqual performance

one month ago
RegEx vs Array.includes v2 one month ago
Delete vs rest nokk3r one month ago
flatMap vs reduce (concat) vs reduce (spread) vs reduce (push) one month ago
RegEx vs Array.includes one month ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Object.assign performance vs merge mutation one month ago
Dividing by 2 and flooring the result vs unshifting 1 one month ago
Dividing vs unshifting right one month ago
What's faster unshifting left by 1 or multiplying by 2

Benchmark description

one month ago
Delete vs destructure for objects without mutating s

Measure the performance of delete versus removing a prop from an object without mutating

one month ago
appendChild vs replaceWith, DocumentFragment vs not DocumentFragment 10 elements

appendChild vs replaceWith, DocumentFragment vs not DocumentFragment

one month ago
appendChild vs replaceWith, DocumentFragment vs not DocumentFragment

appendChild vs replaceWith, DocumentFragment vs not DocumentFragment

one month ago
array includes vs object key vs set

performance comparison of ways to find if an array contains a value

one month ago
jQuery 4.0.0-beta by id vs Document.getElementById one month ago
Math.pow(x,0.5) vs Math.sqrt(x) vs **.5 one month ago
for loop vs. .map (collection) one month ago
Getting/Keeping only the first item of an array: length VS splice VS slice

Based on All results should output "a" in the console using console.log(arr).

one month ago
Math.floor vs alternatives 2 one month ago
better eval vs function one month ago
json stringify vs object tostring AA


one month ago

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