Benchmark name When Created
Array population test 8 years ago
Array population test 8 years ago
Copy Array

Speed of array cloning

8 years ago
repository 8 years ago
Palindrome checker 8 years ago
Palindrome checker 8 years ago
object members 8 years ago
double or triple 8 years ago
Javascript 'concat()' vs '+' for strings

Testing the performance difference between concat() and the + operator for strings in javascript

8 years ago
Javascript 'concat()' vs '+' for strings

Testing the performance difference between concat() and the + operator for strings in javascript

8 years ago
Javascript 'concat()' vs '+' for strings

Testing the performance difference between concat() and the + operator for strings in javascript

8 years ago
Javascript 'concat()' vs '+' for strings

Testing the performance difference between concat() and the + operator for strings in javascript

8 years ago
To cache or not to cache 8 years ago
AND logical vs ternary and IF

In trying to avoid division by 0, a common alternative is to check if the divisor is 0 and if so then the result becomes 0 (with error logging taking place elsewhere).

8 years ago
AND logical vs ternary and IF

In trying to avoid division by 0, a common alternative is to check if the divisor is 0 and if so then the result becomes 0 (with error logging taking place elsewhere).

8 years ago
AND logical vs ternary and IF

In trying to avoid division by 0, a common alternative is to check if the divisor is 0 and if so then the result becomes 0 (with error logging taking place elsewhere).

8 years ago
DOM Selection

Global Dom Selection

8 years ago
Explicit call vs apply

See if there is a real benefit to handle small arity function calls with explicit calls or if apply is sufficient.

8 years ago
Explicit call vs apply 8 years ago
Explicit call vs apply 8 years ago
Push vs Concat

Has Array.prototype.push more perf than Array.prototype.concat?

8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago
array of object search 8 years ago
Every Third Element 8 years ago

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