Benchmark name When Created
JavaScript spread operator vs Object.assign performance 6 years ago
JavScript spread operator vs Object.assign 6 years ago
Element creation speed

Comparing speed of creating elements

6 years ago
Element creation speed

Comparing speed of creating elements

6 years ago
lodash flatmap 6 years ago
Array split vs string substring 6 years ago
Regex vs .indexOf vs .startsWith vs .substr

Testing some things

6 years ago
string trim 6 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

6 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

6 years ago
Testttttt 6 years ago
class vs class begin 6 years ago
angular.copy vs JSON.parse(JSON.stringify())

FIguring out the performance differences between using the operations in the name on copying an array of objects considering the fact that other methods of copying (slice, concat, etc.) are shallow copies and end up being by reference instead of by value.

6 years ago
angular.copy vs JSON.parse(JSON.stringify())

FIguring out the performance differences between using the operations in the name on copying an array of objects considering the fact that other methods of copying (slice, concat, etc.) are shallow copies and end up being by reference instead of by value.

6 years ago
Canvas gradient perf 6 years ago
parent vs closest 6 years ago
Fibonacci vs Memo 6 years ago
Fibonacci vs Memo 6 years ago
getElementById, querySelector, window 6 years ago
In place array concatenation benchmark.

Test performance between spread operator and push.apply

6 years ago
In place array concatenation.

Test performance between spread operator and push.apply

6 years ago
Map and Filter vs forEach 6 years ago
indexOf vs foreEach 6 years ago
map vs indexof 6 years ago
map vs indexof 6 years ago

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