Benchmark name When Created
style sheet 6 years ago
create DOM Element 6 years ago
Regex vs split/join quotes 6 years ago
Sha256-2 6 years ago
Selecting Items - Lennox

using getelementbyid or variables

6 years ago
Updating Classes v1 + jQuery

comparing the 4 Titans

6 years ago
Updating Classes v1

comparing the 4 Titans

6 years ago
NativeGet vs NativeQuery vs EarthJS vs jQuery

comparing the 4 Titans

6 years ago
Native vs EarthJS vs jQuery

comparing the 3 Titans

6 years ago
earthJS vs jQuery2

comparing my new earth JS

6 years ago
earthJS vs jQuery

comparing my new earth JS

6 years ago
Lodash isEqual test 2

Test on isEqual performance

6 years ago
url testing 6 years ago
delete vs assign to null

The idea's to know the time difference between using "delete obj.key" rather than obj.key = null.

6 years ago
jQuery addClass vs classList.add both wrapping element 6 years ago
Angular clone vs Lodash clone vs JSON Clone vs Object.assign 6 years ago
Angular clone vs Lodash clone vs JSON Clone 6 years ago
String to bool 6 years ago
lodash.each vs Object.forEachsss 6 years ago
Iterating over string 6 years ago
Object Deep Copy with jQuery

Produce a deep copy of a Javascript object where nested objects are not simply references to the originals.

6 years ago
jQuery 2.2.0 vs Vanilla JS SetText Speed Test

Pure JS .innerText vs Pure JS .innerHTML vs Pure JS .textContent vs jQuery .text() vs jQuery .html() vs jQuery .find() vs jQuery .find().html()

6 years ago
Array .push() vs .unshift() 2 6 years ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Object.assign performance - large object 6 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs ...spreadOperator vs $.merge

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

6 years ago

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