Benchmark name When Created
Lodash.clone vs spread 5 years ago
Slice v splice 5 years ago
index vs lastindexof empty 5 years ago
Lodash assign vs object.assign 5 years ago
Native Number vs Lodash toNumber 5 years ago
Native Undefined vs Lodash isUndefined 5 years ago
jQuery by id vs Document.getElementById 3.4.1

Comparing speed of getting element by id with jQuery vs Vanilla JS

5 years ago
TreeWalker vs querySelectorAll 5 years ago
Dataview vs Uint8Array - read byted 5 years ago
spread vs concat vs unshift for arrays

spread vs concat vs unshift

5 years ago
Angular clone vs Lodash cloneDeep vs JSON Clone v1.1 5 years ago
Concat vs Spread (Two Arrays)

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

5 years ago
Lodash min vs Math.min (lodash 4.7.11) 5 years ago
jQuery vs Vanilla remove speed test

Testing remove speed

5 years ago
Delete or Destructure (Objects) 5 years ago
Event listener types - 1000x native vs 10000x fake

Testing different event listener function types and speed difference between native and fake (callbacks array).

5 years ago
Setting Canvas Pixel with extra test case using backtick 5 years ago
Delete vs Destructure (Objects)

Measure the performance of delete versus removing a prop from an object

5 years ago
Delete vs destructure for objects

Measure the performance of delete versus removing a prop from an object

5 years ago
Array.prototype.slice vs spread operator proper

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional slice() method

5 years ago
Lodash filter vs Native filter 5 years ago
Grouping vs reduced grouping vs foreach 72 activities with 4 groups 5 years ago
Grouping vs reduced grouping vs foreach 430 activities with 10 groups 5 years ago
Grouping vs Foreach 5 years ago
_.difference vs Set 2 5 years ago

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