Benchmark name When Created
ramda vs lodash/fp vs native again 4 years ago
Regex.test() vs str.match(regex) vs str.indexOf() with no matches 4 years ago
Regex.test() vs str.match(regex) vs str.indexOf() v2.0 4 years ago
RegexvsIndexOfvZ 4 years ago
eval vs new Function 211 4 years ago
test looping2 4 years ago
test looping 4 years ago
for of vs foreach

speed test

4 years ago
toto toto 4 years ago
getElementById vs QuerySelector nested element 4 years ago

IsEmpty faster than js

4 years ago
Multiply vs power operator **

Compare multiplication of (n x n) vs (n ** 2)

4 years ago
Some vs. Filter vs. indexOf vs. Find 4 years ago
lodash.get vs optional chaining

Compare lodash.get to babel transpiled ?. (optional chaining) operator

4 years ago
array destructuring vs direct access 2 4 years ago
array destructuring vs direct access 4 years ago
lodash flow vs ramda pipe 4 years ago
ramda vs lodash/fp vs native 4 years ago
Reducer with object spread vs direct mutation

Benchmark test to compare a reducer that uses object spread syntax vs direct parameter mutation

4 years ago
Array.reduce vs for loop vs Array.forEach for 500000 elements

A test summing 1000 random numbers, 1 - 10000

4 years ago
crypto-subtle 4 years ago
Sha512 4 years ago
Digest Sha-1 4 years ago
IE11 Object.entries 4 years ago
Testando operador de + com !!! vs || 4 years ago

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