Benchmark name When Created
Array.prototype.slice(0) vs spread operator

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional slice(0) method

4 years ago
test two of the same 4 years ago
For of vs map 4 years ago
[forked] append scalar value Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator vs push

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

4 years ago
Stardust variables 4 years ago
Compare spread operator and concat in arrays

This benchmark is to compare the cost of using the spread operator

4 years ago
Compare the cost of Array.prototype.length

This benchmark is to compare if storing the length of an array in a variable is valuable when it is needed to access this data multiple times

4 years ago
test substring vs slice vs substr 4 years ago
filter + map vs conditional + foreach

Compare chained `array.filter().map()` vs creating a new array, looping through the previous one and conditionally pushing to it.

4 years ago
getElementById vs querySelector vs getElementsByClassName vs getElementsByName no double id

Test performance of different ways of get just one particular DOM element

4 years ago
toFixed(2) vs Math.floor method 4 years ago
jQuery Id selector vs Document.getElementById vs Document.querySelector

Comparing speed of getting element by id with jQuery vs Vanilla JS vs Vanilla JS querySelector

4 years ago
createTextNode vs textContent vs innerText vs nodeValue 4 years ago
Comparison with className vs classList with unique value 4 years ago
nth child 4 years ago
lodash includes vs ramda includes 4 years ago
dataset vs getAttribute 4 years ago
jQuery val() 4 years ago
copyWithin vs iterate (Attempt 2)

comparing copyWithin vs iterate for black pixel removal

4 years ago
copyWithin vs iterate (with GPU Raster and A Larger Image)

comparing copyWithin vs iterate for black pixel removal

4 years ago
copyWithin vs iterate

comparing copyWithin vs iterate for black pixel removal

4 years ago
Destructuring test 2 4 years ago
Destructuring test! 4 years ago
Destructuring test 4 years ago
Benchmark of Object.keys multiple calls V2

Cache vs not using cache

4 years ago

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