Benchmark name When Created
Array .push() vs .unshift(), 100K elements 4 years ago
Array .push() vs .unshift(), 1M elements 4 years ago
querySelector and getElementsByClassName[0] 4 years ago
querySelector vs getElementsByClassName [0] 4 years ago
count number of chars in a string 2 4 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator vs slice and push with arrays of objects

Compare the ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

4 years ago
count number of chars in a string 4 years ago
Lodash sortBy vs Object.values and array.prototype.sort 4 years ago
Array.concat vs Array.prototype.concat.apply

Compare direct concat call with apply for multiple arrays concatenation

4 years ago
spread concat merge 4 years ago
Array concat vs spread operator vs push vs push FOR OF vs push FOR vs map vs multi spread

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

4 years ago
sum calculation: forEach vs for vs forof vs reduce 2 4 years ago
Object.values vs Reduce vs Loop (largeObj) 4 years ago
Lodash Uniq vs Javascript Set low count 4 years ago
Object.values vs Reduce (largeObj) 4 years ago
Object.values vs Reduce 4 years ago
_.includes() vs [].includes() 4 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator v6

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

4 years ago
Some vs. Filter vs. indexOf vs. Includes2 4 years ago
Array vs Linked List 5t3rvgt

Manage Todos in a list - compare performance of Array vs Linked List.

4 years ago
createElement vs cloneNode variations

Faster way to create new dom elements before insertion

4 years ago
createElement vs cloneNode()

Faster way to create new dom elements before insertion

4 years ago
createElement vs cloneNode(false)

Faster way to create new dom elements before insertion

4 years ago
Lodash.isEqual vs JSON.stringify Equality Comparison for Shallow Array of Strings. Lodash v 4.17.11

Test on isEqual performance

4 years ago
lodash isEmpty vs ES6


4 years ago

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