Benchmark name When Created
array indexOf vs includes vs some

performance comparison of ways to find if an array contains a value

4 years ago
Lodash Loop Comparison to native for() |while() | forEach() 4 years ago
Map lodash and PureJS 4 years ago
Array.find(false) vs for..of

Benchmark unsuccessful array find against iterating using In my case this is interesting because I'm having a sorted array and know that I'm not going to successful after a certain element value is reached

4 years ago
test benchmark 543 4 years ago
test benchmark3432


4 years ago
Set vs object tracking 4 years ago
Set vs obj 4 years ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Object.assign performance temp 4 years ago
isIteratorOrAsyncIterator 4 years ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Object.assign of empty object performance 4 years ago
Array padding 4 years ago
push vs index 2020 4 years ago
Array loop vs foreach vs map vs for ...of ... 4 years ago
Array filter vs. for loop (fixed 2) 4 years ago
parseInt vs + 4 years ago
Testing array methods 4 years ago
Array concat vs spread operator vs push vs push individual

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

4 years ago
wuirefs81326wysdhsseyt 4 years ago
wuirefs81326wysdhs 4 years ago


4 years ago
test-string2 4 years ago
test-string 4 years ago
querySelectorAll data attribute vs class name 4 years ago
setAttribute vs classList.add (attribute adding) 4 years ago

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