Benchmark name When Created
for + for or reduce

for + for or reduce

2 years ago
Ramda vs. Lodash 2021

Compares performance on the same task using Lodash vs two styles of Ramda vs two styles of "native" Javascript. In all cases the task is pulling "counter" property from each item in an array, filtering out odd items, squaring them, then returning those squared values that have less than two digits.

2 years ago
pop vs length 123456 22

asd asd asd asd asd

2 years ago
array bool find vs some

without PENDING

2 years ago
array boolean find vs some 2 years ago
Array.includes vs json[key] 2 years ago
for loop comparison test modernized ES6 2 years ago
test branching or no branching (fix control)

test branching or no branching

2 years ago
test branching or no branching

test branching or no branching

2 years ago
getCookie: for vs for...of vs indexOf vs find vs reduce

Performance comparison of 5 functions to get Cookie value from a document.cookie string.

2 years ago
iso date string sort comparison

compares ways of sorting a list of dates in the form of ISO dates

2 years ago
find() vs indexOf() vs for...of vs for-loop - bigger array

Testing the difference between native loops and find() with a bigger array of 10,001 elements :) Fixed bug in the original test forked from: ( is undefined in find() test)

2 years ago
isNumber: regex vs isNaN vs string comparison (version: 1) vs parseInt 2

another attempt

2 years ago
isNumber: regex vs isNaN vs string comparison (version: 1) vs parseInt 2 years ago
Lodash filter length vs sumby 20211125 2 years ago
childNodes vs children vs firstChild vs firstElementChild

Fastest way to list children

2 years ago
string checking 3 2 years ago
document.body vs document.querySelector 2 years ago
isNumber: regex vs isNaN vs string comparison (version: 1) 2 years ago
parseFloat vs Number.parseFloat 2 years ago
Number.parseFloat vs parseFloat 2 years ago
JS Lookup methods

Which is the faster and lower memmory way to use named keys in JS

2 years ago
className.includes vs classList.contains 2 years ago
For in vs Object.keys.forEach vs For of Object.keys 2 years ago
toString vs string template literal vs String() 2 years ago

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