Benchmark name When Created
String to Int of Arbitrary Precision 7 years ago
greatherThanVSboolCast 7 years ago
String contains 7 years ago
Check if empty object is empty 7 years ago
copy 3 7 years ago
copy speed 7 years ago
Delete vs set undefined 7 years ago
jQuery parsing html string

Self-closing tags vs regular html5-style tags

7 years ago
sum range 7 years ago
asdvcxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxv 7 years ago
asdvcxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxv 7 years ago
asdvcxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxv 7 years ago
asdvcxvxvxvxvxvxvxvxv 7 years ago
Factory vs Class 7 years ago
Foreach vs. for vs. while on array looping 7 years ago
Foreach vs. for vs. while on array looping 7 years ago
Fat Arrow 7 years ago
rot13test 7 years ago
rot13 test 7 years ago
rot13342 7 years ago
Trim by RegExp 7 years ago
Do TypedArrays slow down when you add attributes to them? 7 years ago
Test splice 7 years ago
Test splice 7 years ago
Return true vs return; 7 years ago

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